A typical root system on a grafted apple tree, pruned for transplanting
This is what our growing beds look like. This bed has about 2000 trees growing
Bare Root Plants and Spring Shipping
We grow most of our plants right here on the farm from seed or cuttings, and graft all our trees onto vigorous rootstock we grow ourselves or purchase from the nursery trade. We try to buy from small family run organizations like ourselves whenever we can. We collect our seed from great mother trees, this increases the chances that you will end up with superior nuts and fruits when are are mature. No guarantees, but our observations around the country at other great seedling orchards illustrate that often seedling plants will be of higher quality nut and fruit producers if sourced from great mother trees growing in great orchards and collections.
Most of our seedling plants are shipped bare root when they are dormant. We ship these plants in the spring usually April/May. We will ship a few things in fall, usually only Hazels and seedlings of Apricot, Peach and other prunus if they were grown in flats.
We prefer to grow our plants in real soil in nursery beds that we can mulch and improve with compost year after year, just like our vegetable gardens. This method has many advantages, the single largest being your plant will be accustomed to real soil and real world conditions. Most plants produced commercially are pumped full of chemical fertilizers and pushed to grow FAST. These plants will often go backwards for years when you plant them in your garden or orchard. They need a long time to adjust to real world conditions.
Our plants are not like this. Transplant shock might slow them down for a little while, but then they will grow. We try to grow strong roots here. If you aren’t happy with the plants you recieve, please get in touch right away.
If you need help with planting bare root, see the detailed instructions for handling and planting bare root plants here.
We do propagate some plants in containers. We usually remove the plants from the containers and ship them bare root. This saves quite a bit of money on shipping, and we get to reuse the containers which helps keep our costs and use of plastics down. If you really need a plant to be shipped in a container, send an email and we will try to accommodate you.
Save the bugs, feed the worms get your plants off drugs!
hazelnut bed with 2 year plants ready to dig next spring
Seaberry row with native perennial "weeds", our plantings look like this by design
Size, Pricing, Quality and the Soil, Guarantee
We are a small family run operation. We love growing high quality plants, and sending them out into the world. We strive to give you a good value with everything you buy. We want you buying your plants from us for years to come. If you are ever unhappy with what you receive from us, please do not hesitate to email us with your concerns.
Shipping Sizes-
Grafted Fruit Tree -cultivars will usually make a small tree at about 2-3' tall , and a large will be 3-4' tall .
Grafted Nut Trees will be of various height, as we may choose to graft anywhere from 6" to 2' from the ground, depending on tree species and size of the rootstock. Nut trees are slow to get going , but once they catch on they grow fast.
One year Seedling trees will usually be 1-2' tall. Two and Three year Seedling trees will usually be 2-4'. Some trees, like Hickories, are very slow to get tall. A two or three year hickory might be 8-18" tall.
We follow organic practices here on our farm, we mulch our plants with local wood chip mulch we make on site, and use compost produced from our farm chicken operation and organic fertilizers only. We hand weed and never use any other chemical inputs. Most plants are not grown this way!
Common horticultural production uses chemical soup to control weeds, kill insects and fertilize the plants. While we understand the cost benefit of these chemicals, we are constrained by our values and beliefs in the organic methods. So we do the opposite, we want and encourage huge populations and diversity in insects populations and ‘weeds’, which in turn feed the birds and other critters. We want healthy "weeds" to flower and feed our pollinators. We are hopeful in our small farm way to illustrate that a nursery can survive and thrive using higher cost methods that support a healthy world.
Save the bugs, feed the worms get your land off drugs!
We thank you for your support!
We do not guarantee our plants to grow. Howevere, there are many circumstances beyond our control.
We do guarantee that the plants will arrive in good shape and ready for planting. If they are not in good shape when the arrive, you must let us know right away. All cliams must be made within 2 weeks of receipt.
If you are unsatisfied with your order we would like to know. We want as many if our plants growing everywhere, and will always try to work with you to the best of our abilities to figure what went wrong if your plants dont grow. We can not be responsible for how plants are handled by customers.
Thank you for your understanding!