Perfect Circle Farm is a small family run farm and nursery in Central Vermont. We specialize in growing Nut Trees, Fruit Trees and Berry Shrubs. We grow most of what we sell from seed, cuttings or by grafting.
We are in USDA Hardiness Zone 4. See us on the map here. We have a great selection of plants for your Farm, Orchard and Homestead. Please read About Our Plants AND WARRANTY so you know what to expect.
We grow seed from cultivars and select improved mother trees. We strongly believe that these seed have a much higher chance of producing much higher quality fruit and nuts.
Every seedling is an adventure!!
Sourcing of plant material- We travel far and wide and collect germplasm from all over the country from the best plant materials for northern growing. We collect from lots of great nut and fruit growers orchards. Many of these growers are no longer with us, but are the giants upon whose shoulders we stand. We also barter and buy from our fellow growers who have great seed.
We are always adding more plants!! Keep your eyes peeled! And thank you again for ordering plants from our Farm, We are honored and grateful for your support.
Our Farm September 2021

We love growing plants and believe that planting your own food is one of the most powerful things you can do. We have an ever growing collection of edible Orchard, Forest and Landscape plants for your homestead and farm. Thank you for encouraging our efforts!
Buzz and Sandra Ferver- farmer proprietors
On the home page you will find the links to order plants, cuttings, seed and scionwood.